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Robert "Bobby" Wendell Albr…
Keith Baker
Kevin Baker
Pam Barry
Shelby A Beer
Bradley Beshea
Dana Blessing
Al Bowers
Barbara Brandt (Pawlik)
Edward Lynn Brown
Emory Lewis Brown
Karen Buel (Ledbetter)
Bonnie Burns (Stewart)
Sandia Caraway (Bennett)
Patricia (Pat) Clark (Culak)
Rebecca Clark (Dec'd) (Ligon)
Ronnie Coward (Dec'd)
Ray Culak (Culak)
Bill Davis
Dawne Davis (Hodge)
Mark Day
Krista Deines (Thiele)
Mary Dudley (Quick)
Elizabeth Edson (Spenrath)
Erin "Teri" Egan (Crow)
Kathy Fellows (Lowrance)
Helen Garcia (Pulsford)
Martin Garcia
Richard Gaylean (Dec'd)
Kerri Gooden (Walker)
Jim Grier
Gerry Guidry
Yvonne Hacker (Duge)
Grace Hale (Barron)
Mike Hansler
Janice Hardcastle (Zeger Dec'd)
Linda "Linny" Harrington (Hamilton)
Duane Haufler
Beth Havard (Foust)
Sara Hernandez (Archer)
Catherine Ann Herring (Wilson)
Martha Holcomb (Peterson)
Don Hood
Collette Hughes (Keller)
Karen Hurley (Wilson)
Cynthia Jennings (Anthony White D…)
Bruce Leeder (Dec'd)
Dale Lewis
Jacqueline Lex (Adam)
Robert Lopez
Nedra Mangold (Killian)
Tim Mason
Lori Massey (McGowan Dec'd)
Fabian Mazurek Jr
Charles McCampbell
Donna McGinnis (Grayson)
Lenny McKinney
Steve Mergele
Jo Beth Montgomery (Nye)
Valerie Niles (Windham)
Denise Norris (Locke)
Randy Osburn
Sam Owens
Donnie Page
Michael "Mike" Page
Ronnie Page
Michael (Mike) Page (Dec'd)
Polly Anna Patton (Dec'd)
John Peckne
Annie Perez (Lozano)
Karen Perkins (Solcher)
Karen Pfeiffer (Miller)
Teresa Phillip (McDaniel)
Cheri Popham (Powers)
John Michael Renfroe
William "Billy" Scott Robb …
Yvette Rodgers (Dierlam)
Edward "Eddie" Rodriguez
Yolanda Rodriguez
Donnie Rose
James Schmidt
Denia Shoemake (Geiger)
Jon Shubert
Elizabeth "Betsy" Spenrath (Edson)
Rose Marie Stevens (Routh Dec'd)
Rita Strube (Thompson)
Cheryl Taubert (Rayburg)
Ronald Theis (Theis)
Mary Helen Tibbett (Sibley)
Alton Timmons
Brian Traylor
John Tucker
Russell Van Horn
Eric Van Slycke
Gavin Waldeck
Guy Wastel
Audrey Wellborn (Staudt)
Jeff White
Lloyd Whitworth (Whitworth)
Peter (William) Wolf
Guest Members
R L Bien
John C Kercheville
Bob Kunz
Sherry Otter
Larry Ottmers
Robert Rahm
Harvey Rodenbeck
Edward Shell
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